Orphan Creative

We leverage our large agency creative experience, stripping away the egotistical nonsense, and eliminating the pointless “go-between” personnel. It’s about crafting strategically sound work and precise messaging, via beautiful design and engaging, distinctive copy. We create brands, evolve brands, and elevate brands.

Here’s a closer look at our personal branding.

Orphan brand colours and multiple logo applications

Typographic angles for consistent branding

We’ve taken the elements and angles from the beautiful Harfang typeface to guide and keep our look consistent and clean.

Deliberately orphaned "O" mark

In order to illustrate the idea of Orphan both figuratively and literally we’ve spaced our O mark one counter width away from the rest of the wordmark. This allows for a cheeky play on a typographic orphan as well as lonesome idea of a literal orphan.

Consistent use of elements in creating our "O" mark

Using the same angle taken from the bowl of the “a” we created a crossbar to give our O its distinctive look. This allows it to work alone as a logomark as well as together with the rest of the wordmark.